Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Students BEWARE!! Blog #6

Is the amount of school days enough for our students? Are they receiving the best possible education in only 180 days? How does teaching until supper time sound? Say...6:00? Would that be sufficient time to "get it all in." Are you willing to teach year round with only time off for holidays? Are you thinking what's best for you or your students when answering these questions?

Inside The Fargo Forum yesterday was an article concentrating on just ONE part of Obama's school reform proposal: MORE SCHOOL DAYS or MORE HOURS ADDED TO A SCHOOL DAY.

While Obama was running for president, he mentioned during his school reform proposal that he wanted to extend our 180 days of school. He didn't think the nationwide number of 180 days was sufficient enough for our students. His solution? Having school 12 months instead of the traditional 9. Is this right or wrong? Will it work?

Obama has repeated over and over again that kids don't spend enough time in school. Do you agree? Other countries have LONGER days than the United States. Other countries even have MORE days. Why not us? Not spending enough time in school has put our country in jeopardy and at an extreme disadvantage over other countries.

Why do we get summers off? Why has legislators allowed kids to have summers free decade after decade? Is this a benefit for them or teachers? Long live the days where the majority of families still farm. This can't be the reason to have 3 months off! Obama would like to add more time to classes, add more time for school at the end of the day, and to also be open on the weekends so kids have a safe place to go if needed.

Boston's Clarence R. Edwards Middle School is just one of nearly two dozen schools partaking in a 3 year state initiative to add 300 hours of school time to their year. This means students are attending school for an extra 3 hours a day. There's your 6:00! America needs more school because other nations are going a reported 25-30% longer. Even though this 3 year state initiative is new, there have been positive results.

So, can the positives of longer days or longer hours out way the negatives? What are some disadvantages of more hours or days? Family time? Extracurricular activities? Homework time? Eating?? During Obama's campaign, I was all for more school time for our kids. I still agree. We were once a nation at the top in science and math. That is no longer the case. We need to start somewhere. Having summers off to help the family farm shouldn't be a priority any longer.

1 comment:

  1. I have read Obama's School Reform proposal and I actually see the good in it, but I don't know if the funding is available to make the plan work. Currently in Georgia teachers are being furloughed work days instead of given any extra. Where is the money coming from to fund the plan is my question? I would be more than willing to work longer hours and more days if it meant bettering our countries chances in catching up to countries like China. Teaching conference focus on bell to bell instruction, but what if a bell to bell instruction isn’t enough? My hope is his plan to reform our schools will be well received by our nation.
    Great Article!
